Renfort en mousse - industrie

phone+33 (0)2 37 27 18 13

Acoustic foam

Sheet metal and boiler: Acoustic foam for a better sound insulation.

PU foam parts, adhesive or not, presented individually or in rolls

Acoustic foam

Acoustic foam

Tôlerie, chaudronnerie - Mousse acoustique

Acoustic foam is ideal to optimize sound insulation between different machine elements: engine hoods, valves, openings and transmission components...


The open cell structure of the acoustic foam contributes effectively to a better sound insulation and sealing water. Easy and clean installation and avoids the use of glue or mastic.

Technical features

Presentation / Available form : Acoustic foam is an open cell product. Our products can be presented in rolls, strips, individually, in kit

phone+33 (0)2 37 27 18 13

Charte graphique et développement - Agence Le Mans